Indomitus, as it is known among the pokémon population, was just like any other region generations ago. Humans were relatively new to the region, but they quickly began to colonize the region in partnership with their pokémon. But suddenly, just as soon as the humans arrived, they vanished. Having left few clues among their deserted homes and empty towns, it left the wild pokémon population wondering what could have caused the humans to flee so suddenly and silently. Many years later, rumors have begun to circulate about the return of the humans. Mysterious humanoid figures has been spotted wandering the Indomitus wilderness, emitting a dark aura and attacking pokémon on sight with their ghostly powers. Did the humans really leave, or is there a darker force at play?
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Name : Alias : Gender : Age : Species : Orientation :
[div style="font-size:15px;color:#8cbaf8;border-bottom:2px solid #8cbaf8;" align="center"][b]G E N E R A L[/b][/div] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Name :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Alias :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Gender :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Age :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Species :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Orientation :[/b][/font]
[div align="center" style="font-size:15px;color:#8cbaf8;border-bottom:2px solid #8cbaf8;"][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/div] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Description :[/b][/font] [div style="padding-left:20px;padding-right:15px;"]description here[/div] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Eyes :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Voice :[/b][/font]
[div align="center" style="font-size:15px;color:#8cbaf8;border-bottom:2px solid #8cbaf8;"][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/div] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Personality :[/b][/font] [div style="padding-left:20px;padding-right:15px;"]personality here[/div] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Nature :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Likes :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Dislikes :[/b][/font]
[div style="font-size:15px;color:#8cbaf8;border-bottom:2px solid #8cbaf8;" align="center"][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/div] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Mother :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Father :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Siblings :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Mate :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Friends :[/b][/font] [font color="eeeeee"][b]Rivals :[/b][/font]
[div align="center" style="font-size:15px;color:#8cbaf8;border-bottom:2px solid #8cbaf8;"][b]M O V E S[/b][/div] [ul type="disc"][li]Move 1[/li][li]Move 2[/li][li]Move 3[/li][li]Move 4[/li][/ul]
[div style="font-size:15px;color:#8cbaf8;border-bottom:2px solid #8cbaf8;" align="center"][b]B A C K S T O R Y[/b][/div] [font color="eeeeee"][b]History :[/b][/font] [div style="padding-left:20px;padding-right:15px;"]history here[/div][/div]